An Experimental ERC20
StarBits implements a 10% transfer tax on most transactions(buying from the LP does not!). This tax is used to swap for BTC.b, and every time at least 0.1 BTC.b is accumulated, Chainlink VRF will draw a random address from the Star Power array to win the whole amount!
This means that if StarBits can sustain liquidity and usage (which is no guarantee, of course), participants have a chance at being airdropped BTC.b on a regular basis!
Current BTC.b Accumulated
1,530,000 (7.14%) Protocol Allocation
4,200,000 (19.61%) Initial Liquidity
15,690,000 (73.25%) Price Containment Liquidity (PCL)
NOTE: PCL is stored in the token contract and programmatically added to the liquidity pool using Chainlink Automation. This temporarily suppresses rapid price increases in an attempt to make providing liquidity easier for early entrants.
Holders of xrpant tickets on StarsArena can claim 1 Star Power every 24 hours without needed to hold any StarBits!
Selling or transferring StarBits, which incurs a tax, will earn you 1 Star Power. This can be done once per 24 hours.
If you provide liquidity for StarBits, you can stake those LP tokens to accrue 1 Star Power per 1 AVAX in LP per 24 hours.
NOTE: Star Power from staking fluctuates as the value of the LP fluctuates, and must be claimed every day.

xrpant Holder Claim
You are not a holder
Time until claim: 0h:0m:0s
Stake LP
You have 0 LP
Allowance: 0 LP
No LP tokens staked.
Check Star Power
Current Total Star Power
This experimental token should be considered as highly speculative and not a sound investment. All users should verify the legality of digital tokens per their local government entities and act accordingly. DO NOT purchase any digital asset with money you are not willing to lose.
It is important to note that if liquidity and trading volume does not reach the required amount, 0.1 BTC.b may never be accumulated, which would mean no winners. This contract has not been audited and there are no recovery functions built in. Trade at your own risk.
It is important to note that this token utilizes Chainlink on-chain price feeds to swap from WAVAX to BTC.b. During time of high volatility, token transfers may fail if the liquidity pools and price feeds are not in sync.
Please note that while providing liquidity gives more Star Power per day, it comes with significant risks.
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